Thursday, December 31, 2009

Alternatives To Expensive Family Activities by Robert Jamett

Everyone has different views on fun. Some like to read a book, others like to go out to parties but one thing we can all agree on is how important family fun is. Time spent with family is priceless and you never know what may happen tomorrow. Although times are rough for the whole country, there are many cost effective activities you and your family can partake in and still have fun.

Outdoor Activities- Outdoor activities are generally free or cheap and a great way to bring your family closer together. Camping is fairly cheap and can bring a lot of communication to the table. Being in the beauty of nature with no technology can clear your head and allow you to reconnect with your loved ones. Taking everyone to the park for a day is another great way to spend time with the family. Finding a sport everyone enjoys allows for exercise and some good old fashioned competition. Consider investing in a family bike set or something of the sort and take a couple of hours out of your week to exercise, spend time with your loved ones, and overall better yourself.

Other Activities- Although everything is pricey these days, there are many alternatives to expensive family fun. Me and my family used to love going to the movies, but ticket prices at my local theater have gone up to $11 a ticket. That comes out to $44 for my family to see one movie and that does not even include the cost of food and drinks! If food and drinks were purchased, we could easily spend $70. Now that is ridiculous. For a fraction of the price, you can get a subscription to Netflix. They offer downloadable movies at home or an at home mailing system. The price for a month of movies is the price of one movie ticket and you can enjoy them at your own leisure at home. Take at least one night out of your week and sit at home with the family watching a movie or playing a board game.

Money should not be an issue or reason that you do not spend time with your family, but the options are endless and these are only a few broad ones. At the end of the day, your family are the only ones that will be there for you and you should spend as much time with them as possible because they are the ones that truly love you.

Robert Jamett is a high school student and internet marketer. To learn about simple and quick ways to earn great prizes using gift surveys visit my website and make your opinion heard today!

Article Source: Alternatives To Expensive Family Activities

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Beat the Amortization “Monster” To Earn Your Financial Freedom by Phil Strong

In a previous article I have explained how an Amortization schedule outlines the slow process that is typically followed to repay a mortgage. To me this makes it a “monster” as it steals time, money, and freedom from home owners. But I don’t write this article so you can take the SLOW WAY to pay off your mortgage – I don’t want you to have a mortgage for a long time, I want you to be able to pay it off much, much quicker than you think.

One of my goals is helping people to identify what financial freedom looks like and how to get there. For me one of the key priorities in financial freedom is releasing the shackles of debt; that is, breaking out of the mind-set of a “debt culture” and working towards building wealth. One of the quickest ways you can build wealth is to pay off debt.

Unfortunately for many home owners with debt, their mortgage is designed to work against them due to the standard mortgage being constrained by this “monster” called Amortization, hindering the progress they may like to make towards being mortgage free.

If this is you I would like to encourage you by sharing the key to progress, and that is to increase your understanding of how your mortgage works. It’s a simple concept, but when you know the rules of the game you can make sure you take advantage of every opportunity to succeed.

A typical mortgage follows an amortization schedule which is a pre-determined path of repayment over the duration of the loan. This schedule of payments forces a home owner to pay the maximum interest as they are also forced to make the minimum principal reductions to their mortgage debt.

Let me give you an example from some calculations I did for the purpose of writing this article.

A mortgage of $285,000 at an interest rate of 7.5% over a 30 year term has a monthly payment of $1,992.76. That’s $23,913.12 per year.

In the first year you pay $23,913.12, and here’s the split: $21,285.89 paid in interest and $2,627.23 goes towards reducing the principal balance.

In the second year you pay $23,913.12, and here’s the split: $21,081.95 paid in interest and $2,831.19 goes towards reducing the principal balance.

In the third year you pay $23,913.12, and here’s the split: $20,862.16 paid in interest and $3.050.98 goes towards reducing the principal balance.

So over the first three years you pay a total of $71,739.41 in mortgage payments and your loan balance only reduces by $8,246.34.

Does that sound like the slow way to pay off your mortgage? I think so.

In fact, when I first found this out I had smoke coming out of my ears – I was so mad – as I thought about all the money I had wasted in helping someone else get rich while my family made literally no progress towards paying off our mortgage.

The challenge you have is the same one I faced, getting to grips with how this works so that you can make sure they you do not suffer for longer than you need to! I worked my tail off to find and implement strategies to help us get rid of our mortgage. And 6 years later we were mortgage free. When you begin to understand how the Mortgage Amortization schedule is not designed for your benefit you will begin to seek out new solutions, like I did.

Here are three quick ideas for you to explore so that you can begin to beat the “monster” that is the amortization schedule for your mortgage:

See the immediate benefit from additional mortgage payments, interest savings will sky-rocket as the benefits compound over time.

Find additional ways to apply funds to your mortgage, permanently or temporarily, to reduce the amount of interest you pay.

Identify new ideas and strategies you can use to accelerate your debt repayment beyond the SLOW WAY of doing things.

These three ideas are just the start for you to achieve the goal we set out to achieve. If you begin to understand how the Amortization “monster” works – you can beat it!


Do not let the "monster" control your financial future. You deserve more than that!

Phil Strong is a money expert who helps people to smash their debt much faster than they ever thought possible!

Get Your FREE DVD Today!

How To Make Sure You Don't End Up With A 50 Year Mortgage


Article Source: Beat the Amortization “Monster” To Earn Your Financial Freedom

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Shopping Can Still Be Fun! by Laura Griffin

Times may be tough, but we still have to buy occasional gifts for family, friends and sometimes for ourselves too! So how do you do that without breaking your budget? There are places on the Internet where you can go to find affordable and unique home décor items and gift items for every member of your family.

I know what you are thinking. You will have to sacrifice quality for price, right? Wrong! Some of the online locations have quality items at bargain prices. No one will know the difference. The best part is that your friends and family will never know the price you paid judging by the quality of the item.

Shipping cost on the items you purchase in most cases are not so exorbitant that you can’t afford them. If you live on a tight schedule like many of us do, your item will be on your doorstep in a matter of days.

Shopping on line is much easier and quicker than shopping in town. You will have a better chance of finding those affordable, unique gift and home décor items. You won’t be wasting your gas running all over town looking for the perfect gift at the price you can afford. Who has the time to go from store to store? In many cases you can’t get it all accomplished during your lunch hour. After you have found the item you want at the price you can afford, you will be standing in the checkout line waiting to pay for. All of that adds up to time and money you don’t have.

My favorite way to shop is by looking at the catalog and then order it online. There are many stores that have items for sale only online. You can’t get them from the catalog. Sometimes these same stores will have sales online that you won’t see in the catalog. It can be difficult shopping online because the stores usually have so many products. It would take you hours to go through and look at every one of the items they sell. That is the reason I like the catalog. Then I have a general idea of what they have before I start looking online.

Most of us have to live on a strict budget these days, but that doesn’t mean we can’t shop. What it does mean is that we have to change the way we shop. You don’t have to lose the joy of shopping; you just have to limit yourself and look for places that have the affordable, unique gift and home décor items you are looking for..

Laura Griffin is the owner of Timeless Treasures. To visit her website go to Timeless Treasures.

Article Source: Shopping Can Still Be Fun!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Budgeting For Emergency Funds: You Can Do It! by JNFRD

Emergency funds are considered to be a necessity as far as financial security is concerned, since it can provide one with financial resources that one can resort to and depend on when an emergency arises such that when one is sick and have the burden of paying huge medical bills, or unexpected home or major car repair.

When one has no emergency fund, one can be obliged to acquire debt on your credit card that might take several years to repay with interest that would later cost so much more.

However by putting an extra thirty to fifty dollars every month in an individual "emergency savings account" one can be secured with what emergency the future may bring. In doing this, it is recommended that one regards the emergency fund as an additional bill, to be punctually paid each month.

Yes, one can and should budget and allocate the extra money for emergency fund, as this is very significant when one refers to his "financial future." Here, the goal is to create savings from budgeting your income; the emergency savings should ideally be equal to at least three months your living expenditures.

What's important is that you should steadily put a certain amount of money aside, and only use it for real emergencies.

Not like an investment, the success of one's long-term savings funds does not really count on the amount of return or interests but on placing a fixed amount of money away constantly and steadily so to have immediate access to it at all times.

In spite of one's financial status, the initial step in the process of constructing an emergency fund is by knowing where your money is presently being consumed or spent.

When one recognizes and determines where one's earnings are spent, then it will be easy for one to choose and make a decision where to trim down expenses. In other words, budget.

Budgeting is putting or setting aside money for anticipated and unanticipated future use. It is here that one sets up a goal so as to save. So set an emergency fund as your goal.

Checking, savings, money market accounts and "certificates of deposits," are great places to keep one's cash that might be needed on quick notice.

The amount saved from budgeting can either go to your savings goal, emergency fund or both. One could utilize the money saved from budgeting financial expenses by saving half of it to your savings account and half of it for emergencies. This way, you achieve your goals in savings and at the same time put in funds for emergency use. It's your choice.

For more tips on how you can live on a budget and save, visit

Article Source: Budgeting For Emergency Funds: You Can Do It!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Debt Negotiation and Settlement Tips by mbhat_fdr

If you’re drowning in debt, facing collection, or even facing bankruptcy, you need to address the situation now, before it gets any worse. Debt negotiation is often a better solution to severe debt than bankruptcy.

What is Debt Negotiation and Settlement?

Debt negotiation, also called debt settlement, is the process of negotiating with your creditors to either establish a new payment schedule at a reduced interest rate, or a lump sum payment that’s significantly lower than the total balance. If your only other option is bankruptcy, your creditors may be willing to negotiate with you to ensure that they get something rather than nothing.

How to Negotiate Your Debt

If you’re interested in debt negotiation, you can either hire a debt negotiation service to represent you to your creditors, or you can contact them on your own. If you want to try a do-it-yourself negotiation, follow this advice:

· Be calm, clear, and convincing. Explain your situation in unemotional, professional terms. Remember, they’re not required to negotiate with you, so crying or screaming is not likely to move them to help you.

· Don’t give up easily. If your creditor denies your request, explain to them why settling would be beneficial for them. Their priority is their bottom line and you must make it clear that the offer is in their best interest. If your request is still denied, do not agree to anything before you hang up the phone.

· Send a debt negotiation letter. The letter should be professional and clearly state your arguments. Send it by certified mail and keep copies of all your correspondence.

If you’re not comfortable negotiating with your creditors or don’t achieve a settlement, you can hire a credit counseling or debt settlement service. For a fee, they will negotiate for either a low lump-sum payment or a small number of monthly payments toward a reduced balance at a significantly reduced interest rate.

Although it might seem odd to pay a fee to save money, experienced debt negotiators will save you far more than the cost of their fee. They know which creditors are willing to negotiate and how much of a settlement they will accept. Due to their network of relationships, they can settle debts you couldn’t on your own.

Things to Remember When You Negotiate

Whether you negotiate on your own or hire a debt negotiation service, keep the following things in mind:

· The amount you can afford to pay. This should be a reasonable amount – often 40-60% of the total debt. Low-ball offers will be rejected immediately.

· Creditors aren’t required to negotiate. They often will, if the next option is bankruptcy, but don’t expect them to make it easy for you.

· Negotiation is a process. When you negotiate, you make an offer and your arguments. Expect them to make a counter-offer and counter-arguments.

· You’re negotiating with a person. If you’re friendly and professional, they will be as well. Explain your situation in personal terms without becoming emotional. Listen to their arguments and answer them clearly. Your job is to convince them to see your side. Their job is to convince you to pay more. If you both play your roles properly, you’ll reach an agreeable settlement.

Negotiating debt is difficult and scary for most people, but it can be done. If you don’t succeed on your own, hire a professional to do it for you. You can get help for your debt.


Article Source: Debt Negotiation and Settlement Tips

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Prepaid Visa Cards: A Great Way to Teach Your Teen Money Management by Michael Griffin

According to a 2008 report from the American Savings Education Council and the AARP, only 52% of gen Y members (those born between 1980 and 1988) save money on a regular basis. Additionally, 57% report that they have credit card debt. When parents are raising their teenagers, it’s likely that prepaid cards are the last things that come to mind. However, in light of frightening statistics regarding young adults and their finances, money management needs to be given priority when it comes to raising your children.

With financial institutions crumbling all around us, it’s the perfect time to truly emphasize to your teens just how important and fundamental money management is to their livelihood. Credit cards allow people to live beyond their means. When abused, credit card users encompass this attitude of “buy now, pay later.” It’s reasonable to expect that young adults who’ve either always had things handed to them in life, or who’ve never got what they wanted, would jump at the chance to have a credit card without truly understanding the responsibility that it comes with. Before your teen turns 18 and can obtain a credit card without your consent, try teaching them how to handle their finances with a prepaid Visa card.

Prepaid Visa cards are an excellent way to teach teenagers several valuable lessons, first and foremost, money management. Prepaid cards are a great way to make the correlation between the use of plastic with actual funds available. For instance, if your teen has a summer job, make them place some or all of their earnings on their card and give them the tools to understand how to use the card. There is minimal risk, as there will not be any overdraft fees since you can’t spend more than is on the card. Additionally, as most prepaid cards allow you to keep track of your balance online, use this to force your teen to attach work (money earned) with their budget. Explain to them that if you make X amount of dollars each week, you have X amount to spend for the total month, so spend wisely.

Secondly, prepaid Visa cards force teens to prioritize their purchases. If you’ve been making and spending your own money for years, it would be easy for you to decide between paying for a school loan vs. a new car, however, if you’ve never had to weigh the pros and cons of a purchase, it can be a daunting task. Prepaid Visa cards solidify the tie between the funds teens have (or have worked for) and how they should spend them. For instance, let’s say your teen comes to you and wants an Xbox, but prom is right around the corner and he needs a tux and wants to rent a limo with his friends. For an adult, this would be a lighthearted and easy decision, but for a teen, this is a fundamental stepping stone to bigger financial decisions. This forces teenagers to see that sometimes they have to make a choice between two options, as opposed to a credit card, where the need for a choice may not be as clear. Teens with credit cards often get themselves in financial debt by spending more than what they have.

While managing finances is only part of the numerous life lessons parents have to teach their teens as they grow up, it’s an important one, and one that seems to get overlooked on too many occasions. Taking simple steps to teach your teenager about money management before they turn 18 will highly benefit them in the long run. You can’t always be around to advise your children, so instill in them the logic they will need to stay out of debt and make the right financial decisions as they grow up.

Michael is currently a 4th year accounting student at the University of Texas at Austin. He is particularly interested in business finance and debt. Additionally, he is writing his thesis on prepaid visa cards and prepaid debit cards for teens, distinguishing how young people learn the importance of handling their money only by hands on experience.

Article Source: Prepaid Visa Cards: A Great Way to Teach Your Teen Money Management

Friday, December 18, 2009

Debt Negotiation and Settlement Tips by mbhat_fdr

If you’re drowning in debt, facing collection, or even facing bankruptcy, you need to address the situation now, before it gets any worse. Debt negotiation is often a better solution to severe debt than bankruptcy.

What is Debt Negotiation and Settlement?

Debt negotiation, also called debt settlement, is the process of negotiating with your creditors to either establish a new payment schedule at a reduced interest rate, or a lump sum payment that’s significantly lower than the total balance. If your only other option is bankruptcy, your creditors may be willing to negotiate with you to ensure that they get something rather than nothing.

How to Negotiate Your Debt

If you’re interested in debt negotiation, you can either hire a debt negotiation service to represent you to your creditors, or you can contact them on your own. If you want to try a do-it-yourself negotiation, follow this advice:

· Be calm, clear, and convincing. Explain your situation in unemotional, professional terms. Remember, they’re not required to negotiate with you, so crying or screaming is not likely to move them to help you.

· Don’t give up easily. If your creditor denies your request, explain to them why settling would be beneficial for them. Their priority is their bottom line and you must make it clear that the offer is in their best interest. If your request is still denied, do not agree to anything before you hang up the phone.

· Send a debt negotiation letter. The letter should be professional and clearly state your arguments. Send it by certified mail and keep copies of all your correspondence.

If you’re not comfortable negotiating with your creditors or don’t achieve a settlement, you can hire a credit counseling or debt settlement service. For a fee, they will negotiate for either a low lump-sum payment or a small number of monthly payments toward a reduced balance at a significantly reduced interest rate.

Although it might seem odd to pay a fee to save money, experienced debt negotiators will save you far more than the cost of their fee. They know which creditors are willing to negotiate and how much of a settlement they will accept. Due to their network of relationships, they can settle debts you couldn’t on your own.

Things to Remember When You Negotiate

Whether you negotiate on your own or hire a debt negotiation service, keep the following things in mind:

· The amount you can afford to pay. This should be a reasonable amount – often 40-60% of the total debt. Low-ball offers will be rejected immediately.

· Creditors aren’t required to negotiate. They often will, if the next option is bankruptcy, but don’t expect them to make it easy for you.

· Negotiation is a process. When you negotiate, you make an offer and your arguments. Expect them to make a counter-offer and counter-arguments.

· You’re negotiating with a person. If you’re friendly and professional, they will be as well. Explain your situation in personal terms without becoming emotional. Listen to their arguments and answer them clearly. Your job is to convince them to see your side. Their job is to convince you to pay more. If you both play your roles properly, you’ll reach an agreeable settlement.

Negotiating debt is difficult and scary for most people, but it can be done. If you don’t succeed on your own, hire a professional to do it for you. You can get help for your debt.


Article Source: Debt Negotiation and Settlement Tips

Thursday, December 17, 2009

How to Maximize Using Voucher Codes by A. Penz

People are more keen that ever to save money and voucher codes seem to be the best way at the moment to not only save on those luxury products but also those day to day essentials . People are mentioning discount codes all the time but many don’t make full use of the coupons and codes available and maximize the use of voucher codes.

Voucher Alerts is a leading UK voucher codes website posting deals and codes for over 2500 UK retailers. If you have look around Voucher Alerts you will quickly notice that not only is there one of the largest selections of voucher codes available online, but also that they have a lot of products specific deals that allow you to save even more money.

There are a few different ways that you can maximize the use of voucher codes:

1) If you know the product you are looking for and who you want to buy it from, then search Voucher Alerts for the merchant name and see what types of offers there are available.

2) If you know the type of product you are looking for but not the precise model or the shop then have a look at the product specific deals that are available in the appropriate category as you will often find you can save more money

3) If you have a specific shop in mind but not then product then see what offers there are available for that store and it could help make your mind up as well as give you the best deal.

Voucher Alerts offer a notification service of your favorite retailers or sectors and will notify you straight to your email of the very latest discount codes and special offers as soon as they become available.

To take advantage of this, sign up at

Article Source: How to Maximize Using Voucher Codes

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Secrets of the Family Budget Plan by Andrew Bicknell

With the rising cost of everyday items today creating a family budget plan is becoming more and more important to keep track of where your family's money is going. Making your money work for you is the ultimate goal of any budget, but you need to be patient if you have never made a budget before.

Most financial problems, both personal and family, are a result of poor budgeting skills or the failure to follow the budget that is made. This is true of people in all income ranges. If you want financial freedom you need to be bale to track your assets and liabilities and your income and expenses.

The fact is that people of all income levels have the same struggles with money. People who earn thousands of dollars per pay check can have the same financial problems as those who earn just a thousand dollars per pay check. The problem isn't the amount of money one makes at their job; it's their behavior with their money once they get that paycheck. And the financial behavior of the majority of people is very poor.

A family budget plan is nothing more than a cash flow plan. A plan for your money. We make plans for everything else, from where we are going on vacation to blueprints for houses, but we seldom make a plan for our money. And if there is no plan then your money does not know what it is supposed to do other then get spent on stuff.

A good budget, once you get the hang of it which can take around three months, should take all of your family income and outgoing expenses into consideration. There should be a balance between the income and expense side of the equation. If not then it is time to start finding areas to cut back on. As you work your budget over time it should free up enough money that you can start making allowances for savings and retirement accounts.

The first step of any family budget plan is writing down on a piece of paper your total monthly income and your total monthly expenses. When writing down your expenses be sure to include everything from your biggest payment to the smallest expense. Subtract the expenses from the income and see if anything is left over. If not then you can start looking at the expense column and start cutting out unnecessary items that are costing money that could be better put to use else where.

If you have money left over you need to seriously consider where this money needs to go. If you have debts such as credit cards or car payments it is wise to put some or all of this money towards paying them down. If you have no extra debts start saving and investing. Before long you'll have a nice little nest egg built that will secure your family's future.

If you are having trouble keeping within your family budget plan here are four quick tips that can help you meet your goals.

1. Keep a log book or ledger where you can list you income and expenses on a daily or weekly basis. One of the hardest things for most people is keeping track of their daily money habits.

2. When buying groceries make a list before you go and buy all your groceries at one time. Make sure to stick to your list and do not buy things that are not on it.

3. Don't go to the store if you do not need to buy necessary items. Impulse buying is a budgets worst enemy.

4. If you are tempted to buy something think about it before you make that purchase. For large items over $300 or so take a day to think it over. Chances are you don't really need whatever it is.

To learn more about building a family budget plan please visit the website Household Budgets by clicking here.

Article Source: Secrets of the Family Budget Plan

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Financial Check-up by Dane Smith

Whether by choice or circumstance, people are finding they have more time and more need to ponder finances these days. Very few people are making their way out of this recession completely unscathed and most are trying to be a little wiser about money in the process. In these times of layoffs and pay cuts, giving yourself a financial check-up is a good way to save money and perhaps change some bad habits.


Take a look at all of your accounts, starting with the savings account. Either through past paper statements or online, take some time to check balances, interest rates and make a savings goal. If the savings account is near empty, make a goal to save $1000 over the next six months, or perhaps start a new monthly savings goal, say $150 a month. Many financial counselors recommend having as much as six-months' worth of expenses saved. Job uncertainty is high these days and having a just-in-case cushion is not a bad idea.

Whatever the amount in a savings account or individual savings goals, it's important to check interest rates. New York Times financial columnist Ron Lieber recommends looking into Internet savings account that offers better-than-average interest rates. Compare interest rates at banks and other savings sites. If the savings goal is very long term, then money should be put into a different kind of account with a higher rate of return (although there are usually penalties for withdrawals, so make sure the money is not needed in the short term).

Next, take a look at checking and other accounts to assess the fees. Banks can charge different fees for different types of accounts, as well as penalty fees for overdrafts or ATM withdrawals. If the fees seem excessive, talk to someone at the bank about how to restructure the accounts to avoid fees. The same goes with credit card fees and interest rates. Be sure to read the fine print and make payments on time to avoid fees, which can add up very quickly.

Another way to get your accounts to work for you are cash-back credit cards and bank savings plans like keep-the-change. Doing some web research will garner all kinds of offers for credit cards with perks. Start with the companies of the cards in your wallet and see what kind of cash back incentive programs they have. Also, banks offer ways to bolster your savings by automatically depositing the "change" from any debit card transaction into a savings account.


An important part of the overall financial health picture is insurance coverage. Look at the deductibles on all forms of insurance coverage: car, homeowners, health, etc. Consider how the insurance was used in the last year, i.e. did you have a car accident or hospitalization. If insurance coverage is used minimally, consider raising deductibles and lowering monthly payments. Also, check into good-driver discounts and other ways to get a better deal, which are usually not offered unless asked for.


If you haven't written a will, especially if children are involved, get one done. Start by pricing lawyers and getting recommendations from friends. It is a relatively easy process and could save headaches and heartaches down the line. Also consider putting in advance directives for future major health decisions.

Gift cards

The last part of your financial check up is fun. Spending gift cards is one of those things that people mean to do and then forget. The cards sit around, sometimes losing value, and more often than not accidentally get tossed out. Take some time to find the cards and then go have some fun spending them.

Ki turned his Austin real estate hobby into a business. He maintains a website with a Austin MLS search. Potential buyers can investigate what is available in the Austin real estate market for free and keep up with market trends on his real estate blog.

Article Source: A Financial Check-up

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hidden Costs in your Salary by Don Tabitkin

Like many things in life, salaries are not always what they seem. Unless you were paying attention very closely when your salary was discussed and explained to you before you started working, you may be in for a huge, and slightly unpleasant surprise when you receive your first paycheck, or even when you receive later ones. This is because many expenses such as taxes and social security are deducted from your salary. If you work on an hourly or daily basis and missed a few hours or days, your salary will not look the way you thought it would. So before you start spending money that you don’t have although you think you do, you are better off calculating your true income before you receive it and be aware of what is in store for you.

It may seem like a complicated concept, trying to figure out how much money you will really be making, but it does not have to be. There are many tools out there, such as the paycheck calculator, which are designed to help anyone figure out just how much money they will be coming home with. There are many kinds of paycheck calculators out there. If you are looking for something that is free and easy to use, you are best off with the free paycheck calculator. Any online paycheck calculator though can help get the job done. Other calculators such as the 401k paycheck calculator, the hourly paycheck calculator, and the net paycheck calculator can help you figure specific things out such as what exactly your net salary will be like, how much goes toward your 401k contributions, and how much each hour or day missed will really cost you.

After you have entered all of the necessary information, these calculators will automatically compute your final net salary. If you thought you would be coming home with $8,000, you might be coming home with a lot less. At least you will know how much you will really have to cover your expenses. Since knowledge is power, you can cut back on expenses beforehand, or even take on extra hours or an extra job if necessary in order to be as financially stable as you need or want to be. is an extremely resourceful site for online paycheck calculators as well as paycheck loans and advances. Figuring out how much your real salary is can be complicated and confusing. Online Paycheck calculators, such as a free paycheck calculator, can help you calculate your income.

Article Source: Hidden Costs in your Salary

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Beware of sophisticated credit card scams, consumers advised by Sam Gooch

As scammers use increasingly sophisticated ways of targeting people, Aussies are urged to take preventative measures in protecting their finances.

Consumers need to be vigilant in ensuring that their credit card details and other pieces of financial information do not fall into the wrong hands.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) stated that 2008 saw a 60 per cent rise in the number of scams reported - with this year thus far recording a similar increase.

And although people are spotting instances of where fraudsters target their bank accounts and credit cards more often, keeping out a careful eye for scams was advised.

"What we're finding is that the way in which the scams are constructed is increasingly sophisticated and fast-moving. The scams look more professional and can be very clever in the way they seek to separate people from their money or personal details," Peter Kell, deputy chair of the ACCC, told News Limited newspapers.

Mr Kell, who is also chair of the Australasian Consumer Fraud Taskforce, added that current attempts at identity theft include offering non-existent jobs as criminals looking to expand "into areas that consumers don't expect to be the source of scams".

He went on to point out that emails relating to the recent deaths of Michael Jackson and Patrick Swayze and those offering cash rewards in return for filling out credit card details on a bogus Visa study are other popular ways that cybercriminals look to defraud people.

But it is not just email messages that consumers should be wary of.

Delia Rickard, senior executive leader for financial literacy and consumers at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, stated that people should avoid giving out personal information to unsolicited telephone callers.

Indeed, those who receive a phone call in which they are asked about their financial details are advised to hang up immediately and get in touch with their bank.

Such Australian banking guidance comes as commissioner Bob Atkinson of the Queensland Police Service recently advised that people take steps to protect their transaction accounts and other financial products from fraudsters "in the ever-changing world of technology".

OZ Price Comparison website - Which4U - Compare Credit Cards, Savings Accounts, Bank Accounts, Loans, Mortgages and Insurance to find the best OZ deals

Article Source: Beware of sophisticated credit card scams, consumers advised

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Refinance Credit Score by Scott A. Clark

Credit scores are numerical expressions based on a statistical analysis of an individuals credit files. It represents the credit worthiness of the individual and is usually based on credit report information that is supplied by credit bureaus.

Almost all lending companies use credit scores to check the degree of risk associated with offering refinance. It is also used for deciding who qualifies for refinancing and who does not, what interest rates will be imposed and what the amount of credit will be. Apart from lenders and banks, organizations like mobile companies, government departments and employers use credit scores.

Tips to Improve Your Credit Score for Refinancing

Refinancing is taking a loan out to pay back a previous loan. For this purpose you need to have a good credit score so you can get the lowest possible rates. The following are the ways by which you can improve your credit rating:

* Negotiate with lenders for paying off old debts - By paying off your old debts you can develop a bit of credit worthiness. You can ask your lenders to reduce the loan amount or approve lower payments at higher rates of interest.

* Close unused accounts - Close all accounts that yield nothing but are just a burden and give up all credit cards that you do not need as these things contribute to your debt.

* Get professional help - A financial expert can help you raise your credit score considerably by chalking out a financial plan that will prove beneficial.

* Check for flaws - There can be mistake in calculation of your credit score so you should check your credit score annually. There can be an error in calculating your number or due to identity theft.

* Avoid foreclosure - Foreclosure remains in your credit history for up to seven years. Try to sell your house yourself rather than having it foreclosed on. Selling off for repaying your mortgage is better option.

* Be proactive - You should always be proactive about your credit history. Being judicious from the beginning can help you keep a high refinance credit score.

If your credit scores is good enough to give you a good rate of interest for refinancing, you can either go to a hard money lender (which is equity driven and for whom credit score is not of much importance) or explain your financial condition to the lending company. It is possible that the company will approve refinancing your loan on the basis of genuine explanations. If you are suffering from adverse conditions for a long time due to which you are not able to repay the loan, the company may approve your refinance loan application.

For further information visit:

Article Source: Refinance Credit Score

Friday, December 11, 2009

Which Debts To Pay First ? by Jim Kendall

In this article we help you to decide which debts to pay off first. Do you find yourself inundated with scary debt letters and phone calls and each of those companies insist on you paying their debts first? In most cases this is exactly what you should not do.

Quite often the companies that do not use aggressive tactics such as phone calls and letters are usually the most important debts that you need to pay first, examples of this are your rent / mortgage.

If you begin experiencing problems paying your debts, contact your creditors immediately and tell them that you are currently having problems, they prefer to be kept in the picture and should be able to work out an arrangement if you contact them early enough.

Here is a list of the debts / bills which you should aim to pay first over your other debts:

* Tax (council)

* Hire purchase

* Electricity / gas

* Maintenance and child support

* Fines

* Income tax

* Rent / mortgage

* Second mortgage

* Television licence

if you do not keep up payments on these kind of debts it could have serious consequences such as losing your home, disconnecting electricity / gas, losing your car etc. Whereas not paying a credit card debt immediately will not have any serious consequences, however you can still be taken to court and ordered to pay what you owe.

An example of non-priority debts are:

* Credit cards / store cards

* Bank loans and overdrafts

* Family loans

Your first step however is to contact your priority creditors as soon as you realise you are having difficulty paying your debts, you can then try to agree on an affordable payment arrangement with them. It is also worth seeking advice as your debt advisor may do this on your behalf.

Once you have organised your priority debts, you still need to deal with the non-priority debts. Once you have arranged payments to your priority creditors, your non-priority creditors will wish to receive a fair share of any money left over. A debt advisor will help you to work this out and can even negotiate this for you with your various creditors it is also important to ask for interest and charges to be frozen, again a debt advisor can negotiate this on your behalf.

The most important step that you can take is not to bury your head in the sand and contact your creditors as soon as you start having repayment problems. If you receive a court summons make sure you get advice immediately as you will be required in court to demonstrate that you can afford to pay your debts and clear the arrears within a reasonable amount of time.

If you have problems with debt you can speak to one of our UK debt advisors with a 100% free consultation who can also provide IVA information which can write off up to 70% of your debts.

Article Source: Which Debts To Pay First ?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Live a Worry Free Life With Credit Cards by paisa

There was a time when there were only a few banks in India and the banking facilities and products were also very limited. One had to wait for hours to deposit or withdraw some amount from the bank. However, in 1990 the central government permitted the entry of private players in the banking industry and this led to a complete change in the traditional way of banking. In a bid to capture a bigger market share, private banks came out with new and innovative products and services to attract the customers. Soon, the sector was witnessing the entry of global banks.

At present, loans, credit cards, and smart investment plans are some of the new offerings of the banks for the people. When it comes to the plastic money, banks have come out with a wide range of credit cards to suit the individual needs and desires of its customers. The plastic money has gained a wide acceptance and become a thing of necessity in the modern world. And with a credit card in pocket, one does not feel worried while on shopping with family or friends. And this is not the only benefit of the plastic money, there are many other benefits which one can avail. At present, there are over 18 major providers of credit cards in India. ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Canara Bank are among the major banks which provide these cards to cater to the unique needs of their customers.

ICICI credit cards: The bank provides a number of credit cards which offer you a whole bunch of benefits and a convenience of using the card anywhere in the world. ICICI Bank Signature Credit Card, ICICI Bank Platinum Credit Card and ICICI Bank Titanium Credit Card are among many other cards offered by the bank.

Canara Bank Credit Card: The bank offers a credit card CANCARD and promises convenience and quality services for the customers. CANCARD VISA CLASSIC, CANCARD VISA CORPORATE, CANCARD MASTERCARD and CANCARD VISA INTERNATIONAL GOLD are the latest offers by the bank for its customers. In addition to the Canara Bank Credit Care, there are many other credit cards as well which offer state of the art facilities such as HDFC Credit Cards, American Express and Citi Bank.

Benefits of the plastic money: In addition to convenient and accessible credit, the use of the plastic money enables the user to track expenses in an organized manner. One can also choose a card with a large variety of credit limits, repayment arrangement, and other perks. And above all, there remains no fear on the mind of the person about the shortage of cash while doing shopping or executing any other financial transaction.

For more information about ICICI credit cards and Canara Bank Credit Card, Please visit our website:

Article Source: Live a Worry Free Life With Credit Cards

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to buy presents for the holidays cheaper!!! by Hanrodistributing

Why Would a Store Drop Their Price?

Think about it, if they don’t beat their competitor’s price, what would stop you from buying from someone else. Most times there are very few things aside from price that give one store an advantage over another. This doesn’t mean that you can turn every department store into a dollar store, but it does mean that you can cut a little into their profit and they still make money in the process. They will likely also think that you will return in the future.

How Do I Find a Better Price?

To research a price that is cheaper than a local department store, I like to use Amazon because they are reputable. Most department stores won’t even consider trying to price match with an Internet company that nobody has ever heard of, but unless you live under a rock everyone knows about Amazon. If you compare a local ad to Amazon, you can get a really good deal and see the difference.

What Price Should I Target?

Don’t expect that a local company will match an internet company, but you can certainly get them to come down. I usually print the ad in case they can’t look at up at the store you go to. I once found a TV that was $500 dollars cheaper on Amazon than a local department store so I asked them if they price matched. I also asked them why their prices were so much different. The typical response is that you are paying for local service. I like to respond with, I am willing to pay for local service, but in this case I am not will to pay $500 dollars. He told me that he needed to talk to his manager, and when he came back he was willing to offer me a price of $50 more than the Amazon price, so I jumped on it. I thought it was worth $50 to pay for local service, but I didn’t notice that shipping was over $100 so I actually came out even better. (I just had a sales rep that wasn’t paying attention though so don’t think that always happens). Just remember, the worst they can say is no, and in that case you just buy from Amazon. If they treat you well, ask for a few business cards that you can distribute to your friends. That makes them feel a little better about the deal you received.

I am Cory Dawkins, owner of and I use these principles for major purchases like electronics and furniture. You can use them for just about anything you can think of but the bigger the purchase the better your opportunity to shave off enough money to make it worth your while.

Article Source: How to buy presents for the holidays cheaper!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Gift of Challenges and Problems by Ken Keis

"The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem."

Theodore Rubin

The Gift of Challenges and Problems

Challenge: A stimulating or interesting task or problem.

Problem: A question raised for consideration or solution; an unsettled question; a source of perplexity or vexation.

The only people who don’t have problems are no longer living.

Most of us at some time have wished that life was easier. In reality, life was not designed for such grand expectations.

Think about it. When we go to see experts -- about our car, our health, and everything in between -- we value the experts’ ability to solve our problems.

What would you think of those experts if they made comments like these?

- That’s too challenging for me.

- This will take some work! I only work on easy problems.

- Sorry, I prefer challenges where I don’t have to think too much.

Our confidence in them would be marginal at best -- and we certainly would avoid them in future.

So, if we expect others to solve problems, shouldn’t we be able to solve problems ourselves?

The greater our ability to solve problems, the more valuable our contributions become. And, the more complex the problem, the higher the value of the person who solves it.

How do you look at your problems? Are you in the group that whines or the group that is thankful for all the challenges that life sets before them?

I have little patience for individuals who complain about all their problems because, outside of confirming what the problem is, that approach has no upside. Whining does not fix anything; it merely increases the mental stress around the challenge.

Challenges must be embraced as a gift. Why? They teach you to develop the skills and the character to deal with the issues at hand and the problems that you will encounter in the future.

For example: You are a manager about to hire for a new position at your company.

- One candidate has led a sheltered life; all his problems were handled by others around him. He’s a nice person but, when confronted with a challenge, he freezes and is usually unable to help solve it. Thus, he avoids or hands off most challenges to other people.

- A second candidate is less educated but has excellent problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. She embraces a problem as an opportunity and usually comes up with several options to help resolve the situation.

Which person would you prefer to have in your organization?

Look in the mirror and ask yourself these questions.

1. Do I see problems as burdens that must be avoided, at all costs?

2. Do I embrace challenges as opportunities that can build value and help me feel vital?

Great leaders are great problem-solvers. In essence, they get paid to remove obstacles. If you expect to fulfill a leadership position -- paid or volunteer -- you must accept that troubleshooting is an essential part of the work. Success in leadership is as much about mindset as it is about capability. If you can’t tolerate doing battle with problems, your ability to focus on solutions, stay calm, and command credibility from others will be significantly reduced.

On the other hand, if you believe that dealing with challenges is fundamental to the business of life, then dealing with problems will not take you out -- emotionally or mentally.

That said, we do need to acknowledge that each of us has a different capacity level when it comes to handling problems. Some have roles that are always concerned with problem-solving. An air traffic controller is an example. The success rate for training for that job is very low. Why? With the high level of problem-solving skills critical to that role, few people can keep a cool head.

- First, let’s acknowledge that challenges are here to stay.

- Second, you have your own unique capacity to problem-solve.

Confidence, experience, and skills can highly influence the level of challenges you can handle. To help you in your journey, I recommend you complete a self-assessment. Assessments can instantly point you toward your strengths and help you understand your problem-solving orientation.

We all face challenges; there’s nothing unique there. What is unique is the way we approach our challenges.

Be thankful for them because, when you have no problems, you’re no longer living.

"Having a dream is what keeps you alive. Overcoming the challenges makes life worth living."

Mary Tyler Moore, Actress

Action Steps for accepting the Gift of Challenges and Problems

1. Only those who are no longer here are free from problems.

2. How do you see problems -- gift or burden?

3. What would others say about you? Do you whine about your challenges or embrace them?

4. What do you think of others who always complain about their problems?

5. What can you do to improve (if required) your thinking about accepting your problems as valuable teachers?

6. The more you are able to embrace challenges and problem-solve, the greater contribution you can make. How can you increase your contribution?

7. All leadership requires dealing with challenges. To help you, I recommend implementing a self-assessment strategy to help you identify your strengths and challenges.

8. Even though we want to embrace challenges as opportunities, we have our limits. Are you aware of yours? Start to be aware of your limits.

9. Encourage others to see that problems are here for us to solve.

10. As you increase your ability to respond to what the world will throw at you, pay attention to the increased value you create by being solution-focused.

Until next time, keep Living On Purpose,

Ken Keis

Ken Keis, MBA, CPC, is an internationally known author, speaker, and consultant. He is President and CEO of CRG Consulting Resource Group International, Inc., Many professionals herald CRG as the Number One global resource center for Personal and Professional Development.

For information on CRG Resources, please visit

For information on Ken’s Training and Speaking Programs, please visit

Article Source: The Gift of Challenges and Problems

Monday, December 7, 2009

Personal Finance Planning by Sourav Sharma

Managing your spending, creating a mental picture of what you have spend instead of recording the same may often make it complex to maintain a perfect budget. In such a case, personal finance planning holds key importance. Your monetary decisions or those concerning your entire family can be addressed in the best manner with the use of personal finance tools; personal finance may include the money you gain or earn, spending, saving, long term spending, including financial risks and monetary conditions that may affect future life. The scope of personal finance planning may also include your savings account in a bank/banks, credit cards, loans, stock market investment, mutual funds, income tax management, retirement plans, insurance policies and related paraphernalia. Watch personal finance news to know the tricks of managing your budget wisely. Personal finance news also keeps you updated about credit cards, home loans, car loans, etc.

Personal finance planning entails consistent monitoring and re-evaluation. Start with assessing your personal financial situation by keeping track via manual records of your balance sheets, income statements and liabilities. Then set your financial goals either for long term or short terms or both. Financial portfolios help you in setting your financial goals in the right direction. Create a plan to reduce unnecessary expenses, increasing your income and investing in such areas which promise returns. Thereafter you need to execute your plan and keep on monitoring constantly so that you maintain a balanced budget. Holding financial portfolios limits the risk factor involved in your financial condition. Financial portfolios refer to owning of several assets that retains their value; these may include stocks, real estate, bonds, warrants, gold certificates, etc. To execute your personal finance planning or manage your financial portfolios, you can take the services of a financial adviser or a financial institution or a financial expert.

Using the right personal finance tools will help you manage your personal finance wisely. Investment in stocks, funds, bond, etc; maintaining and using the budget worksheet, credit calculator, insurance calculator, real estate calculator; finding the right retirement income source; and spending wisely can be calculated with personal finance tools.

Sourav Sharma is freelance market analyst and is writing reviews articles on Personal Finance planning , latest stock quotespersonal finance news, Currency Exchange Ratesfinancial portfolios, Personal Finance tools, Finance News India

Article Source: Personal Finance Planning

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Identity Theft Facts by Annika Dexter

Identity theft protection ought to be high priority for therefore many people. Laptop software, virus protection, and good use are just a few ways in which of therefore many that you'll facilitate to keep your identity below wraps and keep that unthinkable from happening to you.Whereas you'll not feel that your pc security is prime priority, the fact is that the most damaging kind of identify theft happens online. Protecting yourself is your job. No one else cares as far concerning who has access to your personal info except you.

If you suspect your identity has been stolen you would like to try and do 2 things - decision the police and file a claim together with your credit card companies. A police report is key. If you've got a police report then you can get immediate credit report correction or delete fraudulent knowledge while not a length investigation process.

Every of the foremost credit bureaus understands how to handle the situation. They've simplified the fraud reporting process. and will actually inform your different mastercard companies for you. Each credit bureau follows a consistent three-step procedure to post a security alert on the credit file, opt the identity theft victim out of the offers that are pre-approved for credit insurance and mail the identity theft victim a copy of his/her credit file.

An identity theft protection service is the sole good move you could make unless you'd favor to expertise 1st what an identity theft can do to you. If you have all the necessary info regarding this type of service, you are in a very better position to realize that you higher pay some small cash for the service than risk the aftermath.

Many folks raise how I can defend myself from identity theft and the solution is simple. Do not be reckless with the knowledge you give about yourself on-line, as the fragments of non-public data you share on a plethora of internet sites might be surmounted to establish a relatively complete profile of your identity as an entire, an identity which might ruin you for life.

Read more about identity theft protection and credit protection companies.

Article Source: Identity Theft Facts

Friday, December 4, 2009

What are the New Low Business Credit Card Rates? by Peter Carville

Sometimes the lowest credit card interest rates you can get are the introductory rates available on business credit cards. It is easy to find business credit cards that offer 6 or more months at 0% APR when you sign up. Some even offer free balance transfers and 0% interest on those for a certain period of time. Such balance transfers are a good idea when you know you could pay off the balances within the time frame given by the card issuer.

Keep in mind that the 0% teaser rates start when you activate the card - not when you transfer a balance. If you have a 0% APR on balance transfers, but wait 3 months to transfer a balance from another card, then you'll only have 3 months to pay it off. It's also important to know what the regular interest rate will be.

With the True Earnings Business Card from Costco and American Express, you get 0% APR for the first six months, with the regular interest rate equal to the prime rate plus 11.99%. This card offers 4% cash back on annual gasoline purchases, 3% for restaurant expenses, 2% for travel expenses, and 1% for everything else. It is intended for established businesses with excellent credit. There is no annual fee for those with Costco memberships.

The AT&T Universal Business Rewards Card offers 0% interest on purchases for 6 months, and you earn 5 "Thank You Points" for each dollar you spend on certain AT&T products and services. You also earn points for office supply purchases and other purchases. There is no annual fee, and the regular APR is 10.24%.

The Starwood Preferred Guest Business Credit Card from American Express has a regular interest rate of prime + 9.99% and has no annual fee for the first year ($45 after that). You earn Starpoints with each purchase that you can redeem at participating Starwood hotels and resorts, including Sheraton, Westin, and W hotels. You can also transfer frequent flier miles from other programs onto this card.

Like with any credit card program, the better your credit history, the better deal you'll get with credit card issuers. If you are within your first few years of business, then your business credit history will be intertwined with your personal credit history. After a few years of established good practices, you can sometimes get the card issuer to separate the two credit histories so that personal and business credit histories no longer mix.

Peter Carville is a freelance article writer who writes for Financial Facts about the current financial news and the credit crunch.

Article Source: What are the New Low Business Credit Card Rates?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Personal Finance Budgeting Useful Hint by himani

Government Grant Money are Individuals can get $12,000 or more in the form of government grants to pay off their financial liabilities.

There are other options for you that can combine and even exceed all the features even the most advanced personal finance spreadsheets can offer.

No one should be surprised to learn this given how the mass media is constantly teaching people in our society to "buy it now- pay later!"

If as related to personal finance budgeting as this article is and it still doesn't answer all your needs, then don't forget that you can conduct more search on any of the major search engines to get more helpful personal finance budgeting information.

However, what happens to be that people have come to compare their income with that of a usual that is also regularly increasing.

Debts are you may not be able to avoid debt totally because you may get loans for buying home, car or business investment.

Online customerýs benefits include a checking balances and viewing statements, transferring money from one account to another, making payments, paying bills online and requesting for chequebook books, demand drafts and statements online.

It was intriguing to find that many people, oblivious of their background, found this article related to personal finance budgeting and other personal finance excel, tips on budgeting, and even personal finance specialist helpful and information rich.

So here is chance to get your free tips on kiplingers personal finance and in addition to that get basic information on saving money visit financial times personal finance

Article Source: Personal Finance Budgeting Useful Hint

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Retirement Planning – Start Early and Enjoy Financial Independence by moore14960a

Everyone retires one day so the earlier you start your retirement planning, the better for your future. It really does not matter whether you would be retiring in the next 5 years or the next 20, start planning now. That would definitely improve your financial future.

The Need for Retirement Planning

People think of ideal retirement as a combination of leisure activities, financial independence and luxury vacations - all these things are possible only if you have enough money when you retire. To live a comfortable life after you retire, you need financial planning. There are many tools and resources available to help you plan better.

The Basic Steps of Retirement Planning

* How much money would you need after you retire? – This is dependent on your current standard of living. You need to estimate what your annual expenses will be after you retire. One point to be taken into consideration for this estimation is the difference between the current expenses and retirement expenses. For example, right now a large percentage of your income goes towards your house mortgage and children’s education. But by the time you retire, your children must have settled with their jobs and you would have a home of your own. When you retire, you and your spouse may have increased medical expenses and you would also like to spend money on vacations. Here, you also need to consider inflation. The average inflation rate is around 3 percent.

* How much would you need to save? – After you calculate the inflow that may come from part time income, interest on the savings and Social Security; you need to estimate the exact value that your assets will have and the income you will earn after you retire. By calculating this, you would come to know the shortfall. Here, there are many factors that need to be considered. At what age you are planning to retire, the number of years you are going to live (depends upon your health) and the return on your current investment. The first two factors roughly determine the number of years of your retirement. While calculating the rate of interest on your investment, take a conservative call and calculate the return based on around 5 to 6 percent. This would enable you to calculate the amount of money you require to save after you retire.

* How to build the retirement portfolio? – Once you have determined the amount of money needed to be save each month from now till your retirement, the next step is to find a plan that is just right for your savings needs. Ideally, you should arrange for a specific amount that is directly taken from your monthly paycheck and automatically invested in the financial plan of your choice. This type of arrangement would reduce your impulsive spending habits. You can opt for payroll deduction savings plan or 401(k) plans.

For the perfect financial planning, you need to understand the different savings and investment options that are available to you. This definitely requires a lot of dedication on your part. If you are busy and can not find enough time or do not quite understand the intricacies of various investment plans then it is advisable to hire a financial advisor, to take care of your retirement planning needs. Financial security after you retire is important – you must start planning for it now.

Financial planning is very important if you want to ensure a wealthy retirement for yourself. Free Retirement Membership is an online retirement planning that promotes retirement information.

Article Source: Retirement Planning – Start Early and Enjoy Financial Independence