Debt head>
by Student,
In this article we’ll go through the basics of student loans as it relates to the current situation you might be in, and what the solution really comes down to, so you gain some relief from your creditors.
Let’s get right to the obvious situation, and what can be done about Student Debt.
Now with the economy, being what it is and the resulting debts that have come from it, there are very little positive solutions for many debts and Student Loan Debt is the worst.
As you read this, you’ll get a bit of a reality check on debt as a whole, and see that the rules have changed greatly. PLEASE continue to read this page completely, no matter how bleak it may come across, there ARE some ways you can get help.
With that said, my hope is for those facing these problems to avoid situations like wage garnishment, legal actions, and other unpleasant scenarios that can happen. The last thing you’ll need, is to get your wages garnished, when you already have a hard enough time making ends meet.
While there is no perfect or magic solution to erasing your Student loans, there is a better way to handle them to prevent all kinds of problems. That way you can actually have a chance to build up some finances and get a better footing on things.
First, Some Reality Checks
So How Bad A Situation Is Having Student Debts You Can’t Pay?
Well, I honestly hate having to tell people the reality of how bad it is to have unpaid student debt, so let me give you an indication by telling you that first of all…Bankruptcy Will NOT get rid of your Student Loan Debt.
You can give it a try if you wish, however you’ll find out quickly that not only does it have no effect on student loans (Student Loans are exempt from bankruptcy) but it can make your situation much worse.
Going Bankrupt has a bad effect on your credit for many years, which can hurt job prospects, insurance policies, and so many other things that look at your credit to make a decision.
Meanwhile, you’ll still have the same problem with your student loans, since Bankruptcy has no effect on Student loans.
Since Bankruptcy has no effect on student loan debt, you see how tough a problem this is.
Bankruptcy has always been the “last resort” method to eliminate the debts you’ll never be able to pay. So if it’s not effective on student debt, you see the kind of problem this is.
Unfortunately, the doom and gloom of student debt doesn’t end there really, however Im sure you get the point. In fact many people with this debt have found out by making calls and doing their research that they are in fact stuck paying for their loans No Matter What. (Feel free to make calls and see for yourself)
Before I talk about your option, there is one last comment I feel I should make. That is; that in 7 years of dealing with student debt management, which is about 147 cases and the hundreds more I know of, only 2 times have I heard of individuals being approved for exemption.
The one case was approved due to a car accident that was not their fault, which crippled them and therefore was unable to make a living. Even then, they still tried for a few years.
So Are There Any Solutions?
Ok, now I know your getting bothered from realizing the fact that you cant get out of this debt and you may have them after you at this point. So knowing what you Cant do, lets talk about what you Can do.
What you Can Do has really nothing to do with getting out of the debt, rather, it’s about coming to an agreement or understanding that allows you some breathing room. That means the creditors/collection agency will leave you alone for a good while so you can “regroup” so to speak.
The Government as of the last year has given most creditors and their corresponding collection agencies more power to Collect these Debts. This means the process is also faster for the creditors.
So if it normally took 65 days from start to finish in order to push through a wage garnishment, (only an example) it now happens in half the time. The Government has granted this power ever since the Credit Crunch and it’s resulting debt crisis, in order to allow the many businesses owed money to collect their receivables owed.
For all parties to getting the economy back in the swing of things, they needed to have more power to collect their debts to boost cash flow. After all, the Government itself is the top creditor trying to collect some of its cash on bad investments.
If they don’t make it easier for businesses that are owed money, to collect their debts, then the Government can hardly expect to get theirs as well.
Why is this important information?
People with debt problems need to realize quickly, that just simply not paying and avoiding is the worst way to go right now. This is something that needs to be taken VERY seriously if you want to get ahead, pay off debts, and keep your credit in tact.
So getting back to where I started when answering the question of whether there is any solutions to Student loan debt, and it comes back to the same already mentioned, it’s not about getting out of the debt, rather than coming to an agreement or understanding with the creditors or collection agencies.
By doing that, you gain some time and breathing room to get ahead, without the creditors being a threat to you.
The Specific Solution to Student Debt Relief we’re talking about is:
Loan Modification For Student Loan Debt
Student Loan Modification is really just re-writing your loan and the agreement or terms. By doing this properly, you will be under a new agreement that you’ve made to fit your needs.
Now if this sounds like something that might be of help to you, then read even more at our site at:
Good Luck
Looking for ways to be free of your student loan debt or other related debt to lead to help you become debt free? Our student debt relief site can show you how, without risky unsecured debt consolidation.
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Article Source: Debt Relief Solutions For Student Loans
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