Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Start a Small Business the Easy Way: Quick Tips for Starting a Business

Start a Small Business the Easy Way: Quick Tips for Starting a Business by Karen Axelton

Did you know that a tough economy is actually the best time to start a small business? If you are worried about getting laid off from your job and thinking that now is the time to start a small business of your own, small-business expert Rieva Lesonsky has some good advice.

“Before you start a small business, you need to lay the groundwork,” Lesonsky says. “Take advantage of all the starting a business resources out there.” There are many sources of assistance, ranging from the Small Business Administration to your local Small Business Development Center to SCORE (a counseling organization for small businesses and startups). “These organizations offer free or very low-cost assistance,” says Lesonsky.

One of the starting a business resources that new entrepreneurs should check out is Lesonsky’s latest e-book, Startup 101: Quick Tips for Starting a Business. The book’s actionable advice helps startup entrepreneurs with all aspects of starting a business, including choosing the right business, researching the market, planning for success, setting up operations, financing the business, marketing and sales, hiring employees and more.

As you start your business, take a tip from Lesonsky and take advantage of social networking tools like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and blogging. “These are a great resource for entrepreneurs because they’re either free or extremely low-cost--the only real investment is your time,” Lesonsky says. “Test each tool to figure out which one will work best at reaching your target market. For instance, if you want to reach businesspeople, many of them are using Twitter. If you’re seeking teens or tweens, lots of them are on MySpace. Upload a how-to video or demonstration of your product to YouTube and invite customers to create their own videos about how they use your product. Consider launching your own blog—software like WordPress and TypePad make it simple. If you don’t have time, read blogs that are relevant to your business and post comments when you’ve got something useful to say. It’s a great way to get known by influencers in your field.”

Lesonsky, who was formerly editorial director of Entrepreneur Magazine for more than 25 years, says that tactics like this enabled her to successfully launch her own business, GrowBiz Media, in the midst of the “Great Recession.” That’s just one of the 101 tips, shortcuts and smart ideas in Startup 101, which sells for $19.95. For more information about Startup 101 and to download the book, visit http://www.smallbizdaily.com/products

Karen Axelton is Chief Content Officer of GrowBiz Media (http://www.growbizmedia.com), a content and consulting company that helps entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. Read more insights about small business at the company’s blog, http://www.SmallBizDaily.com

Article Source: Start a Small Business the Easy Way: Quick Tips for Starting a Business

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