Friday, January 18, 2008

Don’t Get Cheated With Shady Debt Relief Programs

Don’t Get Cheated With Shady Debt Relief Programs
by David Faulkner

One of the greatest advantages of turning to a debt relief program to help you navigate your way out of debt is that your program will be customized to suit your personal needs. No single debt relief program is appropriate for everyone, because the reasons for people losing control of their debt load are as varied as people themselves. Your debt relief program will be the one most likely to eliminate your debt in the shortest possible time.

Online Debt Relief Programs

If you are uncomfortable with the thought of having a one-one-one discussion with an employee of a debt relief program service, or simply do not have the time to spend in such a meeting, you can look for an online program. But you need to be careful when operating on the Internet, because there is not guarantee that the people behind the websites you are visiting are who they claim to be. Anyone with the money to do so can buy a domain name, and build website offering debt relief programs, no questions asked.

The sites on which you may see debt relief programs advertised will not have asked for identification from those placing the ads, and will know little about them other than their billing information. There are no background checks in place for those creating websites, and you could very become involved with a debt reduction program site without ever learning who is behind it.

Buyer Beware

It’s not unusual for online companies to offer Post Office box numbers as their only mailing addresses, in an effort to protect the personal privacy of the webmasters. But legitimate debt reduction program companies will be able to give you the physical address of their brick and mortar operations, where you can actually talk to their staff if you wish.

Trying to communicate to a Post Office Box seems ridiculous, but many people are so drawn in by the debt relief claims of scammers that they simply overlook what should be obvious red flags. Don’t become one of them!

Think twice if you find a debt relief program company which cannot provide a physical address, because they may have something to hide. Their website should also provide you with the company’s email, phone number, and the name of a contact person.

Unless you can get that information, you will be unable to determine the identity of the parties operating the website, and you should never involve yourself in a debt relief program based of trust in unknown individuals. They will be asking you to send them your money, yet you have no idea of their true intentions. You have not way of knowing if they are even qualified to offer debt relief programs. How much sense does that make?

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of legitimate debt reduction program companies available, and because you are already in debt, you don’t need to be risking any more of your money on dubious websites.

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