Monday, December 17, 2007

Promoting Your New Business Web Site

Promoting Your New Business Web Site
by Stephen Woodall

Anyone with a new web site needs traffic. A web site without a steady flow of traffic is useless. No matter how well the design and appearance, traffic is the fuel for its survival. Article writing can bring much needed traffic to any web site, especially a new home business site just starting out. Many work at home opportunities come with your own web site and that is the easy part. In most cases we have to build our traffic from the ground up with promotion being a never-ending process.

Article writing is a way to take our link to the public and get targeted traffic. Your web site link in the article resource box is your payment. To me this is the best compensation plan there is for generating good traffic to a new web site. There just isn’t any better trade off because everyone wins. For a work at home business in the early stages this is a must needed way to stimulate traffic.

When submitting to article directories resist the urge to jump around without reading their submission guidelines. They are there for a reason and you will save yourself as well as those editors in charge of approving articles, much wasted time. If you skip the guidelines, a declined article on the shelf for two weeks will make you rethink your submission process. They may all seem the same but there are variations in what they accept.

As you begin to familiarize yourself with one, add another. Do the same again setting up an account and following their guidelines. Make a list of your directories as you grow and visit them often to see what your articles are doing. This will also make your navigation through their web site much easier. Try to set up the same username and password for all accounts. This will make for a smooth process when accessing them.

When submitting articles we have to give our best research, experience, and expertise. Keep your articles informative and not just a sales presentation. Article writing can be outsourced should it be needed. Articles should to be submitted on a regular basis. We have to be patient with our articles and allow them to take their course. As your articles grow so will the traffic to your web site. The internet is in constant growth so we have to be consistent with our article submissions. Submit with regularity. Take care of your articles and the directories that distribute them, and the process will take care of you.

Stephen Woodall, Marketing Analyst, FSC2 Member -
Visitors Link

Article Directory: Article Dashboard

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