Sell Your Structured Settlements - Why, When and How!
By Hunt Robert
With a structured settlement, you do not simply get money at a regular interval to cover your basic living costs and other expenses like medical costs; you also have the option to sell the right at any point of time to get a lump sum amount to meet up sudden needs.
At the same time, you can also settle for periodic payment options to cover occasional costs like education, marriage if you have other means to support you in regular life. In reality, a structured settlement offers you enough flexibility to plan your income depending on your financial conditions.
To add to this, the amount you receive on a regular interval is completely free of federal or state tax. Whereas if you had taken a lump sum amount and invested them otherwise to earn a monthly income, you would have ended up in paying a big part of your earning as tax. For the last comment, we assume that the concerned person have invested the amount wisely.
These are reasons enough that people in general love to get a secured structured settlement instead of a onetime lump sum amount.
Nevertheless, here comes the crux – why, when and how do you sell your settlement in an urgent need! Say, you settled with your company for a monthly coverage option but all of a sudden, you got yourself deep in soup and needed some liquid cash urgently.
What would you do if you do not have any other option to support yourself with a lump sum amount! If this is not enough, you may find some people who sell their settlement to get lump sum amount to start their own business or to build their portfolio.
If there is no option left, you can sell the right of your structured settlement and Government allows you the provision to do so.
Many companies purchase the structured settlement rights at a discount price. The amount you can get depends on your attorney’s negotiation skills and market reputation of your previous employer and other conditions. Often the settlement purchaser demand for a higher discount rate not only to cover all the risks involved in the process but also to draw a bigger profit margin.
There is a common misconception that you must sell all the annuities at one go. However, here you have all the flexibilities to sell your annuities partially and thus you can sell only as much as needed to overcome the immediate expenditure. The rest can be left, as it is, to cover your regular expenditure.
The first thing you need to do is to hire a professional financial advisor and/or an attorney to get the best
deal for you. An attorney can guide you further through the legal procedures like court oversight, consumer protection statutes and legal approvals for selling structured settlements.
Robert W. Hunt is a financial advisor by profession. For more
information on structured settlements, he recommends you to visit
Article Source:,-When-and-How!&id=612222
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