Monday, June 18, 2007

Building Wealth - Making Money

The Fastest Way to Build Wealth
By Luke Blaise

The fastest way to build wealth is to have a written plan. Many people wish they could increase their wealth but they stop there. Just by writing out your goals and plan on paper you make your dream more concrete.

If you don’t have written goals you need to start right now, especially when it comes to your personal wealth goals. It has been proven time and time again that people who have written goals achieve more than people who only have them in their minds.

To create your wealth plan you need to start off with where you are at. To figure out where you are at you need to know your net worth. Your net worth is just your assets minus your debts.

Next figure out what your goal is. If your goal is to get out of debt, set a specific timeline with specific steps needed to get out of debt. When I was in debt I bought a large dry erase board and wrote all my debts on it with the % interest.

Seeing it written everyday helps you stick with your plan. Now that I am out of debt I am trying to accelerate my wealth by trying to increase my income.

My written goal is to be financially independent by creating income equal to my salary at work. By knowing my goal I know how much income I need to create each day, and it seems much more manageable.

For example if you earn $40,000 a year you just need to earn $110 a day. When you break down large goals like that they seem very manageable.

Start right now by figuring out your personal wealth plan. You deserve the best that life has to offer. Remember life was not meant to be a barely get experience.

Acheive wealth easier:

Fierce Personal Finance

A free finacial ebook can be found here.

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Can You Be A Millionaire?

Millionaire Mind - Think Like A Millionaire
By Al Crist

Unless you learn how to think like a millionaire, you will have trouble making money and becoming one. To think like a millionaire you must have the right thoughts and beliefs about money. Millionaires, multi millionaires and billionaires have a unique way of looking at money. Learn about it and apply it to your own thinking.


The following are some of the thoughts and beliefs which are NOT entertained by the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires. They eliminated all these useless thoughts/beliefs from their Millionaire Minds. Unfortunately, they constantly run through the minds of those having real trouble making money.

- Money doesn't grow on trees

- It is real hard for me to make money

- I never have enough money

- Money is the root of all evil

- Money is evil

- Money won't buy happiness

- Making money is not that important to me

- Making money doesn't turn me on

- I don't know how to make money

- I just stink at making money.

- I cannot afford it

- I will never get rich

- It is better to give than receive

- My fate/destiny is to be poor

- My family was poor and that's my destiny

- Who am I to become rich?

- I am a loser. I always blow it

- I am a failure. I never succeed

As part of the Secrets of the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires, the following are some of the thoughts and beliefs constantly running through the minds of the super rich:

- Money is good

- Having lots of money is great

- With money I can help lots of people

- Lots of money mean freedom for me

- It is real easy and fun for me to make money

- Making lots of money comes easily to me

- I make money with great facility

- I am a money magnet

- I always have more money than I need

- I love making money

- I enjoy learning how to make money

- I enjoy learning how to manage my money

- I enjoy saving money instead of wasting it in instant gratification and items that don't give me a solid return for my money

- I love learning how to invest my money

- Making lots of money feels real great

- Making lots of money is real important for me

- Having lots of money has a high priority in my life

- Having lots of money is my destiny.

As the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires keep entertaining these thoughts and beliefs, their Subconscious minds automatically FOCUS on money and making lots of money. They literally become magnets to money and their minds are constantly looking for new and better ways to make more and more money.

Al Crist is in a mission to make the process of being a Millionaire EASY and FUN. You may reach him at where he is designing the "Millionaire Mind Reprogramming" Courses with the fastest techniques to download directly into your brain cells the Millionaire Mind and make you automatically think and achieve like the super rich.

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